October 2021 Newsletter Recap

Oct 1, 2021
Just Released: U.S. Mass Timber Construction Manual
We’re excited to announce the release of our new U.S. Mass Timber Construction Manual! With so many developers and design teams pursuing mass timber, there is a critical need for practical training and education to help general contractors successfully bid and complete projects.
This manual is intended to give contractors and installers a framework for the planning, procurement, and management of these projects – and provide a bridge from their experience with other systems.
We’d like to thank the many companies and individuals who contributed to this project. They’re too numerous to list here, so go download the manual (it’s free) and see who they are.
Industry Updates: Across the Map
Cross-laminated timber will soon be permitted for use in all five of New York City’s boroughs as part of sweeping updates to the city’s building codes. The New York City Council voted earlier this month to approve the use of mass timber for the construction of buildings up to 85 feet tall (or six to seven stories).
As the counterpart to the U.S. Mass Timber Construction Manual featured above, WoodWorks has planned a major expansion of our installer training program. Programs are in development with training centers in New York City, Denver, the Carolinas, Nashville, Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, and San Francisco, and WoodWorks is seeking to partner with other entities. Are you interested in learning more about university construction management and installer training partnerships? Contact Brandon Brooks at brandon.brooks@woodworks.org.
WoodWorks and Think Wood, with KL&A Engineers and Builders and Adolfson & Peterson, recently published a life cycle assessment (LCA) case study on Denver’s innovative Platte Fifteen. The study combines the LCA with cost estimates of the building to better understand the embodied carbon and economic implications of choosing mass timber, steel, or concrete structural systems. Download the LCA here.
WoodWorks is here to support your next wood project.
For more than a decade the building, design and construction community has made WoodWorks a trusted resource for commercial and multi-family wood building. Today, there is more opportunity than ever to utilize wood in innovative ways. Watch our new video for a quick look at everything our team offers.