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Lakeridge Middle School / Mahlum Architects / KPFF / Photo Arthur Ross

WoodWorks’ Wood in Architecture awards recognize excellence in mass timber, light-frame wood, and hybrid building design, celebrating design teams using wood in innovative ways to positively impact the environment, occupants, and their communities.

Important Dates

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Call for Nominations
December 1, 2024 – January 25, 2025
Evaluation & Selection of Winners
February – May 2025
Award Presentation
Wednesday, June 4, 2025, in conjunction with
the AIA Conference on Architecture & Design
in Boston, MA

Inspire others and promote your work

Winning projects will be recognized and promoted in the following ways:

Award Criteria:

Each project will be evaluated based on the following criteria.

1. Design Excellence – 250 points

Project meets the objectives for use integrating functionality, aesthetic considerations, and other contextual needs. Regardless of size, building demonstrates elegance of detailing, as well as excellence and ingenuity in addressing technical considerations such as acoustics, fire resistance, structural, and envelope performance.

2. Innovative Use of Wood – 250 points

Project demonstrates innovative use of wood in the building typology, function and design, as well as economy and scalability. Consideration will be given to the expression of contemporary architectural styles where wood products are used extensively in any variety of exposed or non-visible applications.

3. Sustainability & Resilience: 250 points

Wood has many attributes that make it well suited to sustainable and resilient design. It is natural and renewable, has a lower carbon impact than other structural materials, and is durable, adaptable and reusable. It can also contribute to thermal performance and biophilic design. Projects should demonstrate how wood contributed to some or all of these principles in conjunction with other efforts to achieve a high-performing structure.

WoodWorks takes inspiration from the American Institute of Architects’ Framework for Design Excellence, which includes a set of guiding principles to inform progress toward a zero-carbon, equitable, resilient, and healthy built environment.

With regard to forest certification, WoodWorks supports the use of wood products from sustainably managed forests, which includes material certified through all internationally recognized certification programs (PEFC, SFI, ATF, FSC) and forests with equivalent management practices.

4. Market Impact: 250 points

This section provides an opportunity for project teams to elaborate on how the project impacts the community, its cultural significance, and the use of wood in non-traditional building types or sizes. Special consideration will be given to projects that have the potential to be easily replicated, thus positively impacting the broader design community. Consideration will also be given to projects where wood has been used to increase cost effectiveness and/or meet time constraints or other project objectives.

Evaluation methodology:

Submissions will be evaluated based on the criteria above by an independent jury of professionals representing architecture, engineering, construction, and/or development (AEC+D).

Special thanks to last year’s jury: Mike Duffy of RSP Architects, Jennifer Hardy of Goody Clancy, KT Lamb of Anecdote Architectural Experiences, and Anne Monnier of KPFF. 

Nomination requirements and policies:

  • There is no cost to nominate a project.
  • Any member of the AEC+D team may submit a project; however, design awards will be issued to the primary architecture firm.
  • Projects must use wood as a dominant structural material (walls, floors, frame and/or roof).
  • The awards are open to all building types with the exception of single-family homes. 
  • Structures other than buildings are not eligible. WoodWorks defines a building as an enclosed structure with a roof and walls. Open-air pavilions and amphitheaters are not eligible.
  • Projects and nominees must be located in the United States.
  • Projects must be fully constructed by January 25, 2025.
  • Once a nomination is submitted, WoodWorks may utilize the written project information for promotional use. With regard to photos, nominees must have photo licenses that allow promotion of winners in the context of the Wood in Architecture awards. For details, see the photo release and publicity opt-in section of the nomination form.

The submissions period for 2025 is closed.

Please check back in December for the 2026 call for entries.

Thank you!
Questions? Send an email to

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