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Multiple Beams Bear on Column Collar

Beams bear on custom fabricated steel column collar. Collar is connected to both the lower column and the column above using screws or dowels.

Purpose: Transfer of vertical loads from beams to column.

Design Notes

  • Connection is commonly seen in historic construction.
  • Capacity of connection is dependent on perpendicular-to-grain capacity of the beam and parallel-to-grain capacity of the column below.
  • Connection capacity can be increased by using a larger steel collar.
  • Refer to the American Wood Council’s Heavy Timber Construction Guide for additional information.
  • Deck not shown for clarity. Beam may require bracing for lateral-torsional buckling.
Class 2
Load High
Cost $$$
Constructability Easy
Fire Rating III

Multiple Beams Bear on Column Collar

Beams bear on custom fabricated steel column collar. Collar is connected to both the lower column and the column above using screws or dowels.
03.B - Multiple Beams Bear on Column Collar